Ms. Jun HAN Attended the Global Law Summit in London
February 25, 2015

During 23rd-25th February 2015, The Global Law Summit was held in London to mark 800 years since the sealing of Magna Carta.

Ms. Jun HAN, China International Legal Professional, Partner of V&T Law Firm (Shenzhen) was invited as one of the VIP attendants of 67 minister of justic, chef justices and chairmen of lawyers association from 47 countries to attend the Global Law Summit.

In the interview of BBC, Ms.HAN expressed the strong will of the Chinese Legal Professionals to take part in the international legal communication and integration.

During the Summit, Ms.HAN had talks on matters related to cooperation with Prof Andrew Chadwick, the vice president of School of law of the British BPP University, and reached a preliminary consensus on cooperation matters.

与英格兰威尔士律师会副会长Jonathan Smithers和英国<<自由大宪章>>合影与英格兰威尔士首席大法官Thomas of Cwmgiedd与全球法律峰会主席Henry一起与美国律师会(ABA)会长一起与伦敦金融城律师会Alasdair Douglas会长一起与英国BPP法学院副院长Andrew Chadwick一起与香港大律师公会谭允芳主席及英国司法长官SIMON一起与英国参会律师一起参加交流活动